International giveaway for my French speaking fans.
International giveaway for my French speaking fans.
***Queens Of Historical Romance GIVEAWAY 2 of 6 ***
Enter here: https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/56b4956710/
Here’s our second giveaway for the Queens of Historical Romance. Enter again for chances to win books by Madeline Hunter and Karen Hawkins. If you enter each week, you’ll have that many more chances in the final drawing to be 1 of the 5 winners that will receive 1 book from each author!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/1zvX2TV
Amazon: https://amzn.to/1vOTMoK
Enter here: https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/56b4956710/… Read More »
*** Queens Of Historical Romance GIVEAWAY 1 of 6 ***
Enter here: https://bit.ly/HistRomQueens1
I’ve teamed up with 14 other Historical Romance authors to offer you six weeks of giveaways! Enter this week’s raffle for a chance to win books from Stephanie Laurens, Elizabeth Hoyt, and Jennifer Ashley. At the end of all six giveaways, 5 winners will be chosen to receive 1 book from each author!
BY WINTER’S LIGHT by Stephanie Laurens
Amazon: https://amzn.to/1r1M57W
DARLING BEAST by Elizabeth Hoyt
Amazon: https://amzn.to/1uYvfMc
Amazon: https://amzn.to/1F5vJ4s
Enter here: https://bit.ly/HistRomQueens1… Read More »
So, I have this friend. A brilliant friend. And she wrote this book. A brilliant book. It officially releases January 1st, but you’ll probably start finding it in stores any day now.
My friend’s name is Courtney Milan, and her debut historical romance is Proof by Seduction.
When Courtney and I met over three years ago, neither of us had ever written a full novel. We started working with another friend, Carey Baldwin, who had a full draft under her belt and a few more clues than we did, and together the three of us worked our butts off to figure out this romance-writing thing.
I still remember the day Courtney sent me the first draft of her first scene with Proof’s heroine, Jenny Keeble. Jenny just leapt off the page with intelligence and secrets and desires and delicious potential, and I did a little dance in my chair because I just knew Jenny would be the star of Courtney’s dazzling debut. And here she is!
Of course, by now, a lot of other people have figured out how brilliant Courtney and her book are, so don’t take my word for it! Here’s what the early reviews are saying:
… Read More »“Historical romance fans will celebrate Milan’s powerhouse debut, which comes with a full complement of humor, characterization, plot and sheer gutsiness.”
—starred review, Publisher’s Weekly
“A dazzling debut by a multitalented author… Milan steams up the pages while drawing readers into an emotionally powerful relationship centering on the true meaning
A Lady of Persuasion is in stores today! This is the final installment of the trilogy, and I’m so excited to send Toby and Bel’s romance out into the world. RT Book Reviews named it a Top Pick, citing “wry wit, endearing characters, laugh-out-loud moments, sensual interludes and poignancy.” Please do stop by my blog today for a release-day party with friends, old and new. You could win autographed books for yourself and a friend!… Read More »
A Lady of Persuasion is in stores today! This is the third and final installment in the trilogy that began with Goddess of the Hunt and continued in Surrender of a Siren. It’s the story of Toby and Isabel’s romance, but it’s also a happy ending for an entire group of friends, both old and new. And who better to celebrate that with than you–my friends, both old and new?
You see, when I started writing Goddess of the Hunt, I had this thought that it should feel a bit like the TV show Friends, only set in the Regency. A group of…well, friends…who are at that time in their lives where they’re figuring out their futures and pairing off, who know each other well enough to throw around a lot of witty set-downs and the occasional incisive remark. A group of people who genuinely care about one another, even though they’d sometimes rather not admit it. And it was just so much fun, to write Henry, Toby, Felix, and Jeremy giving each other sh*t in the way guys do.
There are several sections of A Lady of Persuasion where the main characters from all three books are together–sometimes for pleasant reasons, and sometimes not. Don’t get me wrong–I adored Toby and Bel as a couple, and their journey to love was a pure joy to write. But those ensemble scenes were a unique pleasure, because I really believed each of the three (… Read More »
GIVEAWAY! One lucky commenter today will win a signed copy of BEHIND THE RED DOOR.
Like many of you, I first met Jackie Barbosa through the 2006 Avon FanLit writing competition. Since then, I’ve had the great fortune to become friends with Jackie both online and in real life. She’s a fabulous person and a gifted writer, and it’s been so exciting to watch her career take off. After publishing several contemporary and historical novellas with e-publisher Cobblestone Press, today Jackie celebrates her first print release with Kensington – BEHIND THE RED DOOR, a single-author anthology of historical erotic romance. I’ve been lucky enough to read it an early copy, and it is smart, sexy, and sooooo romantic.
When Jackie and I were discussing the best way to celebrate and handle this here guest blog, we decided perhaps we’d chat and interview one another about the writing of novellas–since I just recently released one of my own. Here’s our conversation on the long and short of it. 🙂
Tessa: *clearing throat*
So, Jackie–it amuses me that we’re having this conversation, because
we are both writers who end to write novels on the long side, but who
have also written short novellas (under 20K words). What made you
decide to attempt a novella in the first place? Did anything surprise
you about the writing process?
Jackie: I wrote my first short novella on a dare from Ann Aguirre, actually. She mentioned an Ellora’s Cave call for submissions, said … Read More »
First off, thank you to everyone who helped make my first release day so very exciting! There’s still a chance to win a copy of my historical (NOT paranormal) novella, The Legend of the Werestag, at Jennifer Haymore’s blog. Check it out! And while you’re there, treat yourself to the blurb and excerpt of Jennifer’s debut historical, A Hint of Wicked, releasing in just a few weeks. It’s an intense, passionate story of a woman torn between her love for her two husbands. (Yes, you read that right.) And the stepback alone is worth the click over!
I usually do most of my writing at cafes, because I find it too hard to concentrate whenever I have the darelings around or convenient internet access. So I pack up my laptop and head off to Starbucks or the Bean and Leaf or Borders and camp in for a few hours. Sometimes I change it up and go to McDonalds, and I’ve become a regular customer at the one near my kids’ preschool on Thursday mornings.
You see, there’s an older couple that comes in on Thursday mornings, too. I’ve chatted with them a few times–the gentleman is always interested in my laptop and how it works. And he’s very proud of his successful kids and grandkids, as any father or grandfather should be. His wife is always with him, and though she seems like a lovely person, she’s not able to speak much. She seems to be in … Read More »
Hooray! My e-novella, The Legend of the Werestag, is available today from Samhain Publishing!
This quirky, sexy historical romance novella is not a paranormal shifter story, but rather the tale of five romantically entangled Regency-era houseguests who become intrigued by the local legend of a cursed man-beast. Among them is Miss Cecily Hale, a young lady who’s spent four years waiting for her girlhood love, Luke Trenton, to come home from war. And Luke himself, who has come home from battle alive but changed, only to spurn Cecily’s long-held affections. But everything changes the night they forge into the forest in search of the fabled “Werestag.”
To read a longer blurb and Chapter One, click here. I’ve posted an exclusive excerpt from Chapter Two to the Samhain Cafe loop here. Check back later this morning. And I’m blogging today on the Samhain blog about how ALL romance heroes are legendary man-beasts. 😉
Later this afternoon, kindly bloggers at Dear Author will be helping me give away ten free downloads of the novella, as well as my last three Advance Readers Copies (ARCs) of Goddess of the Hunt. That’s right – get over to Dear Author and leave a comment today, and you could win an ARC! (And if you don’t win, there’s still one up for bids in Brenda Novak’s benefit auction.)
Sarah Wendell of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books gave The Legend of the Werestag a very favorable B+ review a few weeks back, and author … Read More »
At my Samhain e-novella?
I haven’t got a page for it up on my bookshelf page quite yet — I’m waiting for the cover art. But the blurb and excerpt for my May 12th release went up on the Samhain website. If you read the title and laugh, that’s good! It’s a comedy. And the story is very loosely linked to Goddess of the Hunt.
Also – I finally have a contest going on this here website! So when you click that Contest link, it gives you something other than a vague promise of “coming soon.”
I had plans to blog more today, but I am terribly sick. I did just want to comment briefly on the latest online debate. There’s been a lot of discussion in the past week about the Kindle2 and it’s TTS (text-to-speech) feature – whether it constitutes a copyright violation, whether Author’s Guild was right to protest the feature, and whether Amazon was right to back down. (See here and here, for example.) I really can’t pretend to understand all the legal arguments involved, but I tend to agree that clutching our intellectual property tighter to our chests is not the best way to protect our income. And what I can’t understand is why an organization devoted to protecting authors’ interests would not view protecting readers’ interests as paramount to that mission. What are authors without readers? Sure, authors create the words on the page, but any cultural significance of a book is … Read More »