Nook News
A few days ago, a very alert reader wrote to let me know that Goddess of the Hunt wasn’t available for the Nook (Barnes and Noble’s e-reader), even though all my other books were. But when I tried to email this very alert reader back, the return email bounced.
So for the benefit of all and sundry, I will post the reply here. I’ve emailed my publisher, and they are on the case…hopefully GotH for Nook will be available soon! Thank you for your patience.
Speaking of patience, the last few weeks have been Mr. Dare Appreciation Month in this house. Of course, Mr. Dare is always appreciated. But lately the darelings and I are discovering new levels of appreciation for him, because he is not here. He is far, far away, visiting old friends and relatives, and I am happy for him, but I miss him like PB misses J. I am also developing a profound sense of wonder and awe for all single parents, spouses of deployed soldiers, and others caring for children on their own. I raise a glass to you. (Not that I’m doing a lot of drinking after the kids go to bed. No, not at all. 🙂 )
I did the DH out of town thing for business for a couple of years. (He had to have new pages sown into his passport for goodness sakes!) It was like I was a single mom half the time and the rest I spent trying to adjust to him being home. I did get a lot of writing done though… I’m sure Mr. Dare will enjoy his homecoming!