Exciting News!! I’m an alternate!
First, I extend the usual apologies for scattershot blogging. My deadline for the first Stud Club book is May 1st, and I need every (childfree) minute between now and then to finish and polish it up.
But I had to share this – my editor emailed me this morning to let me know that Goddess of the Hunt, Surrender of a Siren, and A Lady of Persuasion have all sold to the book clubs! They will be featured alternate selections in July/Aug/Sept respectively, in the Rhapsody, Doubleday, and Book of the Month Clubs! I am beyond excited. So far beyond excited, I can’t think of a word for it.
But wait, there’s more! You may remember that Courtney Milan and Ann Aguirre and Dear Author and I engaged in some werestag-themed April Foolery a few weeks back, regarding were-ruminant trademarks and the infringement thereof. Well, Ann was good enough to actually read my novella, The Legend of the Werestag (coming May 12th from Samhain!), and give this stunning quote:
“Tessa Dare writes with incandescent emotional ferocity, balancing story and character with knife-edged elegance. This is the best novella I have read all year.”
~Ann Aguirre, national bestselling author of Blue Diablo
I think there is more gorgeous writing in that quote than there is in my whole novella. I’m not sure that’s fair. 🙂 But I’m beside myself with glee about it anyhow.
If you haven’t already bought Blue Diablo, what are you waiting for? I just started it last night, and not only am I wowed by Ann’s amazing sense of place and command of first person–the hardest voice to pull off, IMO–but Corine and Chance have me absolutely hooked.
BTW, I’ve just realized that Ann and I are co-authors. She wrote the brilliant concluding chapter to the Manuscript Mavens Halloween story a few years back… Ain’t that cool?
Yay for being an alternate! And squee over that blurb from Ann Aguirre.
I second Ann’s awesomeness.
I haven’t read Blue Diablo yet–I can’t until I hit THE END on this manuscript–but I started going through the Grimspace books before this book really hit crunch-time and she breaks my heart with every book.
I love her!
Wow, my cheeks are almost as red as my nails.
First, I wasn’t “good enough” to read your novella; I was lucky enough to read it. I’m thrilled Lindsey sent it to me! Already congratulated you on the book club will do it again. Yay!
Courtney, I’m so tickled that you enjoy the Jax series. I know a lot of people are worried after the bittersweet Wanderlust feel, but I am confident they will be pleased with what I did in Doubleblind. My copy editor says it’s great (spoiler redacted)! I wish I could cover you in love, but unfortunately, I haven’t read any of your work…
Did I mention that Doubleblind is pretty much finalized now? Edits are done. She said casually.
@Courtney Milan: Thanks for the yays and squees! But hands off Ann. At least until Wednesday. 😉
@Ann Aguirre: Just wait until you read Courtney’s work. She will blow you away.
*adds Grimspace series to Mt. TBB*
@Ann Aguirre: And thanks for coming by my blog! Even more excitement! ❗ ❗ ❗
Congrats of the alternate X three, Tessa!
How great these last few days have been. We ended one week celebrating Maggie’s wonderful news and begin the next with your terrific news. May all weeks be so blessed.
Congrats Tessa! I’ve finally finished my revisions and sent them off to the interested agent (woohoo!). As a treat, I am finishing GOTH, which I began over a month ago. I’ve been reading all day and can’t stop. I can see why all my friends in the RH sales group over so excited about your books. Please keep writing!!
Squee!!! Major congrats!!!
Oh, how very exciting! YAY Tessa… and awesome quote from Ann Aguirre!
@Janga: Janga, I think we had better just get used to the news coming fast and furious. 🙂 Another mutual friend of ours just went out on submission, so I hear. And then there’s this fabulous author who is going to start querying her contemporary in just a few weeks…*whistles*
But yes, one more squeee for Maggie Robinson, who just made a two-book deal with Berkley Heat!
@Sarah Tormey: Hi, Sarah! Congratulations on finishing and sending of your revisions. What a great feeling! I’ll have my fingers crossed for you. And I’m so glad you’re enjoying GOTH!
@Elyssa Papa: Thanks, Ely!@Tiffany: Thanks, Tiff!
You two ladies know I’m holding my breath to squee for you, and soon. 😉
I missed all the squeeing. But, better late than never…
SQUEEEEE! to all of the above.