What’s doing…
It’s been a while since I wrote a newsy little post about my exciting life as a soon-to-be-published author. I know a lot of you who read this blog do so because you’re either traveling the same journey or will be soon, and want to know what lies ahead. So here’s the status update:
Cover art for Goddess of the Hunt exists, but I cannot yet show you. 😛 It’s pending approval by…all those mysterious, powerful people who approve such things. Covers for the second and third books are in the works, and I hope to get a peek at them soon! My relatives can breathe a sigh of relief, because (unless something drastically changes) the “look” for the trilogy is very tasteful and pretty, with nary a nipple in sight.
I am expecting my line and copy edits on GOTH any day now…I’ve been assured I’ll have a whole week to go over them. 🙂 My second book, Surrender of a Siren, has been sent off for copy editing too, after I added a few pages to the epilogue at my editor’s request. No word yet on the third book, A Lady of Persuasion.
I was mentioned in Romantic Times! Okay, so it was half a sentence (maybe a third-sentence?) in a 2009 preview article (page 10 of the current issue, if you’re curious), but hey – Romantic Times!
Oh, and this is super exciting for me – that little novella I wrote over the summer? It’s going to be published as an e-book with Samhain Publishing, next May! SQUEEE! So there will be a little taste of Tessa Dare out there in the world a few months before my print trilogy releases. More about that in months to come…
And of course, I continue to work on The Desire of a Duke, AKA Stud Club, book one. LOL. You don’t know how much I want to write a scene with this dialogue:
“The first rule of Stud Club is: You do not talk about Stud Club.”
“The second rule of Stud Club is: You do not talk about Stud Club!”
Um, that would be referencing this movie, for anyone who’s scratching her head.
Oh, what the heck. While we’re breaking the rules and talking about Fight Stud Club, let’s have some shirtless Brad Pitt.
Hey, congrats on the Samhain e-book! What an exciting summer you will have. 🙂 Can’t wait to see that cover art!
Tessa, you are too funny! Love the shirtless Brad. Woohoo on seeing the coverart. I, for one, cannot wait to see it!
OH, forgot to say congrats on the short with Samhain!
Thanks, ladies! I am so excited to be with Samhain. It’s a great company, and I have an awesome editor… 😉 And I can’t wait for my cover from them, either. *g*
Congrats on the Samhain release, Tessa. I hear great, great things about them (and one of these days, I may actually submit something to them–I like having my eggs in a lot of different baskets, lol).
Having just been through copy edits, I can say I’ll bet you’ll find a week is plenty of time. Most of the marks on my manuscript seem to have been things for the typesetter. There were a few missing words here and there–some caught by my copy editor and some caught by me–but the whole process took my maybe 2-3 days. And it was actually kind of fun to read it all through again, too. Especially if you haven’t picked up the book in a while, you have the fun of reading ALMOST as if someone else wrote it!
And the Stud Club is making me laugh out loud. Love it!
Congrats on Samhain and the cover art. I’m guessing I know who the editor might be at Samhain . . . 😉
Oh, congrats on everything! There can never be too much Tessa Dare in the universe. Can’t wait for the cover! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mr. Dare and the darling Darelings.
Thanks, Jackie, Ely, and Maggie! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Jackie, I’m glad Stud Club’s giving you chuckles. It’s meant to, but I never know if the things *I* find amusing will strike anyone else as funny.
Congrats on the e-book, Tessa. 2009 is definitely going to be YOUR year! So exciting to watch all this happen. Anxious to see the cover and this Stud Club thing is too funny. Uhm…can I get a membership to that club? A guest pass? A peek through a peep hole in the back maybe? LOL!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great news all around, Tessa! E-books and back to back trilogy. You are cooking with gas!
Thanks for the Brad Pitt eye candy. Always appreciated. I can’t wait to hear more about the Stud club and its stable of patrons.
Oh, like no one was going to toss in a stable comment from time to time!
Happy Thanksgiving one and all!