Archive for 'Courtney Milan'

So, I have this friend. A brilliant friend. And she wrote this book. A brilliant book. It officially releases January 1st, but you’ll probably start finding it in stores any day now.

My friend’s name is Courtney Milan, and her debut historical romance is Proof by Seduction.

When Courtney and I met over three years ago, neither of us had ever written a full novel. We started working with another friend, Carey Baldwin, who had a full draft under her belt and a few more clues than we did, and together the three of us worked our butts off to figure out this romance-writing thing.

I still remember the day Courtney sent me the first draft of her first scene with Proof’s heroine, Jenny Keeble. Jenny just leapt off the page with intelligence and secrets and desires and delicious potential, and I did a little dance in my chair because I just knew Jenny would be the star of Courtney’s dazzling debut. And here she is!

Of course, by now, a lot of other people have figured out how brilliant Courtney and her book are, so don’t take my word for it! Here’s what the early reviews are saying:

“Historical romance fans will celebrate Milan’s powerhouse debut, which comes with a full complement of humor, characterization, plot and sheer gutsiness.”

—starred review, Publisher’s Weekly

“A dazzling debut by a multitalented author… Milan steams up the pages while drawing readers into an emotionally powerful relationship centering on the true meaning

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Assuming you don’t have other plans. 🙂

If you haven’t already read Goddess of the Hunt and Surrender of a Siren, this would be a good time to catch up. Because the third book of the trilogy, A Lady of Persuasion, hits shelves next Tuesday, September 29th! And you don’t want to be that one person who isn’t caught up and can’t dish immediately about all the yumminess that it is Sir Toby Aldridge, do you?

Trust me on this. You do not.

(Is it weird to say I adore Toby? Absolutely had the time of my life writing him. Thus far, he is the only one of my heroes to inspire a t-shirt. That alone has to say something, right?)

However, chances are if you’re reading this blog, you’ve already read Goddess and Siren, and therefore need something else to tide you over. A novella might be just the thing! And I know it’s not even October, but it’s never too early to be getting into the Christmas spirit, is it? (Just go with me here.)

Heart of ChristmasMy absolutely brilliant friend and critique partner, Courtney Milan, has her print debut novella coming out in an anthology. The Heart of Christmas has an official release date of October 1st, but copies have been found in stores all over and are already flying off the shelves. Courtney’s novella, “This Wicked Gift” is touching, funny, sexy, and smart. You don’t want to miss it. So buy your copy now, … Read More »

Hope you all enjoyed a great Labor Day weekend! Mine was mostly spent laboring (heh) on book two of my 2010 trilogy, since I’m nearing deadline in a little over three weeks. Also happening in three weeks? The release of A Lady of Persuasion on September 29th! I can’t wait for readers to read Toby and Bel’s story.

And if you’d like to be among the first to read it, click on over to the Borders TrueRomance blogthis morning. There’s a little video that book buyer extraordinaire Sue Grimshaw taped with me during the RWA conference in DC. And I’m blogging about the writing of Surrender of a Siren. Best of all, if you comment, you could win a full set of the trilogy!

More links from the Department of Random Awesomeness:

Can you believe mega-bestselling author Vicki Lewis Thompson took my little book on her summer vacation? Yes, she read Goddess of the Hunt and liked it and added to the Book Club portion of her website! How cool is that? I was completely stunned and so honored. (There’s a little blurb there by Vicki–if you use a browser other than IE, you might have trouble viewing it because it’s light on a light background. You can highlight the text, and then it should show up.)

And posted a great review of Surrender of a Siren the other day.

It’s just a few weeks until the release of Courtney Milan‘s fantabulous debut novella, This Wicked GiftRead More »

Sorry it’s been a week since I posted! It’s been a busy week. After the whirlwind release of Goddess of the Hunt, I needed to spend some quality time with the family and then hunker down to get some progress made on all this other work…namely the Stud Club trilogy, coming summer 2010! I’m in the middle of writing book two, working on copy edits for book one, and as of this morning looking over the cover blurbs for the whole trilogy. I’m so, so excited about it.

Over the weekend, I had my first bookstore book signing! It was so much fun. The Costa Mesa Barnes and Noble was our gracious host, and I was lucky enough to share the table with my fellow local authors DeAnna Cameron, Debra Mullins, and Jennifer Haymore (who also writes as Dawn Halliday).
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All this was exciting enough, but just as the signing was starting, a mysterious man came up and gave me a gift:

If you look closely, or click on the image, you will see it is a paper boat, labeled S.S. Siren, filled with paper goats. Now, amongst my good friends, my second book, Surrender of a Siren, is affectionately known as “Goats on a Boat”. But this strange man was not one of my good friends. So I was a little bit weirded out.

But the signing was starting, and people wanted to take pictures and have books signed, and so I just sat there … Read More »