Huzzah! A Night to Surrender is in stores today! (And available from every online outlet, too!)

Nice reviews of the book keep coming in… Just yesterday, May at SmexyBooks had this to say:

The story was fast paced, full of memorable moments and characters, and utter romance gold.

And over at The Book Binge, Rowena also gave the book a very nice recommendation!

My fabulous publisher partnered with the lovely people of Goddessfish Promotions to plan a weeklong blog tour to celebrate A Night to Surrender‘s launch. I should have posted the schedule yesterday, but I was so busy… the darelings had their first day of school (and for my youngest, it was his first first day of school!), and then I headed to the local NBC station in Los Angeles to be interviewed about the KISS and Teal campaign. (I’ll post video of that when it’s available.)

Here’s the lineup of interviews and guest posts:

August 29: Among the Muses

August 30: What Book is That?

August 31: Ramblings from this Chick

September 1: Reading Romances

September 2: Brazen Bookworm

There’s a $25 Amazon gift card prize that will be drawn from all commenters on all the posts – so the more stops you visit, the better your chances to win.

I hope all my readers enjoy this first visit to Spindle Cove. Thank you so much for reading!

2 comments to “Release Day!”

  1. Leigh LaValle
    · August 31st, 2011 at 7:38 am · Link

    What a busy time! Congrats on the release and sending your little Dareling off to school. Hope you have a fun week. Leigh

  2. Alicia Miller
    · September 18th, 2011 at 4:04 pm · Link

    A Night to Surrender… just got done reading it! I absolutely loved the story line, the setting and the characters! I seriously cannot wait for the next book! March is sooooo far away! But I can’t wait to see what happens between Colin and Minerva!