I’m still alive. To prove it, I even had a birthday since I blogged last! Woohoo!

Here’s what my “desk” looks like at the moment:

Galleys of One Dance with a Duke (due in early December)
Revisions of Twice Tempted by a Rogue (due…um…soon?)
Still writing Three Nights with a Scoundrel (partial manuscript due to my editor Dec.1st)

And Thanksgiving is when? Ack.

Please bear with me, I’m just drowning in work right now. BUT – I hope I will be forgiven a bit when I tell you those titles above now link to individual book pages! (In)complete with covers, blurbs, pre-order links, and – in the case of One Dance – a teeny teaser excerpt. These pages aren’t looking as spiffy as they eventually will, once I get my fab web designer in on the game, but they’re up!

Happy Holidays. I’m thankful for you all!

3 comments to “Miss me?”

  1. terrio
    · November 24th, 2009 at 7:35 am · Link

    I’m feeling overwhelmed on your behalf just from reading this blog. LOVE the excerpt and I must say, you have the best covers in all of Romancelandia. Take a deep breath and don’t worry about us. We’ll still be here when you get your head above water again.

  2. Renee
    · December 2nd, 2009 at 4:39 pm · Link

    And I thought my life was hectic. You are an inspiration!

  3. Sarah Tormey
    · December 8th, 2009 at 6:05 am · Link

    Happy Holidays! And best of luck with your deadlines:)