A Fresh Pick, and Lightning Round!
Today’s stops on the Tessa Dare magical whirlwind online tour:
Goddess of the Hunt is today’s “Fresh Pick” at Fresh Fiction!
Among other very nice things, their review says:
Debut author Tessa Dare bursts upon the scene with a high-energy and high-drama romance. She tells the story with provocative words and feverish action. Her cast of secondary characters is unforgettable and set the stage for the next book in this back-to-back series.
Thank you so much, Fresh Fiction!
And I’ve been interviewed at The Good, The Bad, and The Unread, where…you guessed it…another signed copy is up for grabs. Hie thee over and comment! The TGTBTU ladies asked me all sorts of questions, but I’m also on hand to answer any new ones! Come on, I know you’re dying to know whether I prefer smooth or chunky peanut butter, or what my least-favorite word is, in love scenes. 🙂
Hi Tessa…I just finished Goddess of the Hunt and thought it was just great. Your humor just tickled me and I laughed out loud so many times! I will pick up the 2nd book next week when it comes out and can’t wait to continue this series. Being an obsessed reader for over 30 years (gives you an idea of my age!), I so enjoy when a new fresh writer comes on the scene and I think you have a really good future in the writing world. I’m a fan so keep them coming! Good luck to you…