I got the call…!!!!
Well, lots of calls. And emails. This has been one crazy week. But this afternoon I finally got THE call (which I missed) from my new editor! I’ll be replaying that voicemail message all weekend, let me tell you…
I am extremely excited to tell you all that Goddess of the Hunt and two other books will be released as a trilogy in 2009, from Ballantine!
There are so many people I have to thank. I think I’ll be spreading the thank-yous out over the coming week. First and foremost, I have to thank the wonderful Mr. Dare, who has supported me financially, emotionally, and in every other possible way over the past year. Some of you may remember that almost exactly a year ago, he totaled his car. Instead of buying a new one, he’s been driving an 18-year-old VW for the past year so we could use the money to pay bills. He’s worked overtime on weekends to make ends meet. And never once would he let me entertain the idea of giving up writing to go back to a ‘paying’ job. He is truly my hero.
Second, I must thank my amazing CPs, CM and India. These are two of the most brilliant, talented, and kind-hearted women I have ever known, and I am so proud to count them as friends and critique partners. None of this of would be happening without them. Many of you have helped me and supported me and critiqued for me over the past year, and I appreciate you all – I’ll thank you all personally and publicly soon – but CM and India are in a class of their own. They’ve held my hand daily through this whole process, and I can’t wait to return the favor for them. And I’m certain that time will come soon!
And then there is my agent, the amazing Helen Breitwieser of Cornerstone Literary, who believed in this book and in me, and found editors who felt the same. She took it to auction Wednesday morning, thinking she’d wrap it up in plenty of time to leave on vacation Thursday. Heh. It took three days. She’s been emailing and calling from airports, airplanes, cars (and probably boats and trains) to see this through. I can’t thank her enough.
Like I said, I’ll get to more thank-yous soon… right now I want to go celebrate with my family. But if you’re reading this, I thank you!
Hugs and kisses,
YAYAYAYAYAY! Congratulations! Muchas felicitaciones! What fabulous, fabulous news!
I’ve been waiting to squee about this for so long–and now I can finally do it publicly! YAY TESSA!
I haven’t been able to sleep for days, and I can’t WAIT for the rest of you to read Goddess of the Hunt.
I’m howling with the coyotes over here in Arizona!
Eve, I’m not embarrassed to say I love you and I’m proud of you and I’m crying happy tears for you!
This has been an amazing journey and I’m so grateful to have had the chance to watch your dreams come to fruition.
You are a gifted writer and your books are beautiful. I can’t wait for the world to meet Lucy and Toby and Sophia and Gray and Jeremey and Belle and yes..Davy. Oh, but I don’t dare give too much away.
Enjoy your time with your family. I think hubby’s going to be getting a nice set of wheels!
And by the way…you’re the bestest!!
Woo-hoo!!! What fabulous, fantastic, simply awesome news!
And I’m so crying happy tears for you right now!!!
OMG, I can’t think of anyone more deserving. This is so very awesome. Congratulations.
I can’t wait to read it!!!! Woo hoo! Doing a happy dance for you 🙂
OMG, India–great minds think alike.
If Davy does not get his own book, I shall cry.
Oh, Tessa, that’s wonderful news! congratulations on the publication and congratulations on having such a wonderful husband!
OMG! This is so awesome. You deserve it girl!!
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!! So, so excited for you. And so, so deserving. Wow!!!! I mean, WOW!!!!! GOTH is so fabulous. I can’t wait for my own printed copy with a fancy cover with your signature on the inside. Just, wow, over the moon for you. 🙂
Woot! Woot! Woot! in a BIG way! I am so happy and proud of you! This is fantastic news and it couldn’t have happened to a more wonderful person.
Can’t wait to get my AR…I mean copy of all three books!
Cheers, darlin’!
I was 100% certain that this would happen for you. I am so absolutely thrilled and excited and awestruck for you. Congratulations doesn’t seem to cover it. It’s an amazing way to begin an amazing career. Auction??? OH MY GOD!!! That is so crazy. It’s like you’re the next JQ. You’re going to be so huge. I’m 100% certain of that, too.
YAYY!! YAY!! A thousand times YAY!!!
Congratulations! This is terrific news! I am so happy for you!
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! I’m so happy for you !
What great news to come back into the loop and find!
Many many congratulations!!!!
HURRAH!!! And now I already know what to put at the top of my Best of 2009 lists.
Huge congratulations to you, your family, your critique group, your agent, and your new publisher! You all deserve this. And how appropriate that it came exactly one year after your FanLit victory.
This is the best kind of HEA!
Oh, this is definitely squee-worthy news! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I can’t think of anyone more deserving!
I wonder how long until we can all pre-order our copies of GOTH …
Awwwww, thanks everybody! Now I’m crying the happy tears, too!
This wouldn’t be nearly so special without so many wonderful friends to share it with. I’m so blessed to know you all.
Fantastic! Congratulations, Tessa! We all knew that you would get the call. We just didn’t know when. Hear the loud cheers wending their way across the country. I am so happy for you and your real life hero.
I can’t wait to go out and get a copy. I’ll take a picture of it for you as soon as see it in the store.
Yours is a perfect example of how it only takes one page to tell if a book is truly freakin’ awesome. I cannot WAIT to see you printed! I cannot WAIT to stand in your enormous line at National! And I cannot WAIT to hear the rest of your call story.
Please, please share it soon. I think I shall die a little every second I must wait.
You are so, so talented. I am so proud, even though I had absolutely nothing to do with your awesomeness.
Oh, I went to bed too soon! But at least I’m up early to start my day off right! Tessa’s Trilogy!!!! I am sooo excited for you and your future readers! Like Ely, I’m getting a bit weepy. This is wonderful, wonderful news. XXOO.
Tessa, I know you’ve worked so very hard for this and it’s all paying off in spades!!!
How amazing–I hope you’re treating yourself to the best weekend EVER. 🙂
Saw the news on FF. Wonderful news and congrats!!! Ballantine does a wonderful job with those trilogies. I’ll be looking for the books in 2009!!! Congrats again!!!
CONGRATULATIONS, TESSA!!! I am so terribly pleased for you. What a terrific DH you have. Live this moment and enjoy it thoroughly. A first sale only comes once. Hearty Congratulations!
Congratulations! You deserve it. From what I’ve read of you, yours is an elegant, lush hand.
I can’t wait to read more.
OMG – what fantastic news! I am so so so so so excited for you! This is just amazing! Yay!
OMG Tessa- what great news! As everyone has said, it couldn’t have happened to a better person. Congratulations! It’s wonderful to see others dreams become reality. You give us all hope, my dear.
Tessa, this is awesome news! I love the excerpt I’ve read and I can’t wait to read the whole book! You are an inspiration to those of us still aspiring!
Congratulations and best wishes. I expect to see your name on the NY Times list in the very near future.
Congrats, Tessa !!!! Terrific news……
Congratulations, Eve! This is absolutely fabulous news!
Yay Tessa!!! I am so excited for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
And do you realize it was a year – to the day, I think – since you won your FanLit chapter??? What a year!
Congrats!!!!!So happy for you!!! You deserve it! So looking forward to seeing your books in print. Love, AprilsMom
WOOT! Congrats!
What fantastic news to come home from a camping trip to. Also, really, no surprise.
And we can all say we knew you when, LOL :)!
Congratulations! This is just terrific.
Congratulations! How exciting for you! I can’t wait to read the whole trilogy!
I’m sooo happy for you! Congratulations!!!
Happy tears here too! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!!!