I sent the Smart Bitches a Banned Book review, and they posted it today… I hereby excuse myself from writing a post of my own.

Check it out.

What’s everyone up to this weekend? Just another quiet few days around the Dare household…

5 comments to “Smart for a day?”

  1. Renee Lynn Scott
    · October 5th, 2007 at 9:26 am · Link

    We have soccer games on Saturday and my ds’s birthday is Saturday. After that I hope to get some actual writing done.

  2. Alice Audrey
    · October 6th, 2007 at 9:36 am · Link

    We clean house on the weekend. Oh joy.

  3. Lenora Bell
    · October 7th, 2007 at 4:26 pm · Link

    I went to the Bitches to look for your review but it’s been a few days and I scrolled through several pages and couldn’t find it and then I couldn’t justify the amount of time it was taking away from my huge mounds of homework. What did you review? Maybe I can search by title.

    I went to a crazy Family Feud theme party last night. My brother was in town so it was perfect.

    I love that you are a librarian. You should pull a Lydia Joyce and have two pictures on your website–one of you with your hair in a bun and glasses, and then one with your hair all wild and sexy. But then again, that might attract the wrong traffic.

  4. India Carolina
    · October 7th, 2007 at 8:08 pm · Link

    You are waaay cool!

  5. Tessa Dare
    · October 7th, 2007 at 10:23 pm · Link

    Sounds fun, Renee!

    AA – not so much!

    Lenora – if you click on “check it out,” you should be linked directly to my review. It was for James and the Giant Peach. For some reason, they didn’t put my name on it.

    India – you’re waaaaaaaay cool, too!