Rah Rah Fanlitters!
Big day yesterday for the FanLit team, in case you haven’t heard.
Ericka Scott (Pamsko) has a new release from Cobblestone, Crystal Clear. I’m running (um, make that clicking) over to buy it right now!
And Pamela Bolton-Holifield (aka Doglady) is a finalist in the Royal Ascot! Yay!
I am not a finalist in the Royal Ascot, alas. But I did get good scores and great feedback from the judges, so I’m pretty pleased with how I did. Just didn’t quite make the cut. Can’t complain.
Congrats Tess! It doesn’t matter that you didn’t final if you played the game well. And I’ve read enough of your stuff to know you play VERY well!! Congrats to the other ladies too!!
Tessa, congratulations on your beautiful story, GOTH. And I’ve never even heard of a submission which didn’t final getting a nod in the final announcements the way GOTH did. Yay for you!!!
And our two Pammies. Way to go, girls! I’m so glad to see your well-earned success and can’t wait to read Ericka’s book. Go team!
Great contest feedback is always a bonus! I hear it was extra tough competition this year.
So happy you’re pleased with how you did in RA! Lots of great stories and writers out there but there’s room in the publishing word for all of those wonderful stories. Yay for both Pams. I picked up Pam’s book first thing when I saw her blog. 🙂
Congratulations Tessa! I heard that GOTH got a callout from one of the judges. . . so you made a favorable impression. I’m glad you got good feedback! I’m hoping to see GOTH on a bookstore shelf one day SOON!
Yay for a respectable finish & great buzz for GOTH! And go FanLitters – way to do us proud!
Congratulations, ladies! How wonderful for all of you!