Still Alive, Still Typing ….
Sorry I haven’t posted in a week. I’m just writing as much as I can. I’m at the 102K mark, but the little wordcount widget site seems to have crashed. Just a few scenes to go, and then I’m into revisions. Yay!
And RitaSV – OMG, it was so exciting to see your comment! Please, please – send me an email from my website. I wanted to PM you from HG, but you know what’s going on there. 🙁
Good to see you surface from the writing (I know how that is). Yes, isn’t it great to find old friends. You’re almost there and then come the revisions. I don’t know about you but I’m at the point when I will be happy to finally but my baby to bed (out to the publishers). My mind is already on the next novel and revising isn’t my favourite thing to do but, of course, it’s a necessary evil. I’m so happy you’re at the end. 🙂
Hang in there Tessa. As soon as you’re done you should have a little party for yourself. Get some chocolate, maybe a bottle of wine, and do a happy dance.
Go, Tessa, go! You are so close. By now you’re probably finished. Wine is definitely in order, chocolate, too. Also a foot massage and a new bottle of yummy bath salts for a candlelit soak.
Woo, 103% and before you go to NY. Congratulations!
Ah, I can’t wait to read about your come-back. I almost posted a comment to the websurfing but then I realized hey, what’s better than congratulating you on the next step? Not sympathizing with the step back!
Yahoooooo! Good for you!
I’m in revisions at the moment. A chapter a day. . . it’s tough going sometimes, but I want it O-U-T as the next heroine is clamouring to have her story told.
I was just thinking my muse had up and quit when I was in the shower and come up with the hook for it.
So. . . tip, type, tip, type.
Can’t wait to read some excerpts!