Living up to my title …
There’s a reason this blog is subtitled “A Study in Sleep Deprivation.” Here’s a transcript of a conversation between my brain and my fingers at 1 AM this morning:
(typing, of course.
They don’t start actually start speaking to me in sock-puppet fashion until about 2 AM)
“Oh,” said Sophia, pressing her lips together. “Shall I tell you about Gervais?”
Um, full stop. How the heck does someone say “Oh” while pressing her lips together?
“Hmm,” said Sophia, pressing her lips together. “Shall I tell you about Gervais?”
Well, yes, that would be how one says “hmm.” Pressing one’s lips together. Perhaps I should follow with,
“Yes,” Lucy nodded, moving her head up and down. “Tell me all about Gervais.”
Aren’t you just dying to hear about Gervais? You should be.
I am hanging on the edge of my seat! Please, tell me about Gervais. . .
Oh, Gervais.
Gervais, Gervais.
*sigh again*
This little blog cannot possibly do justice to the mythic greatness that is Gervais.
CM pressed her lips together. “Tell me more about Gervais,” she said, nodding her head up and down.
C’s pressed lips fell open. She gasped, sucking in her breath.
“Oh, Gervais,” she sighed, exhaling slowly. She nodded, moving her head up and down in approval.
But Gervais does not draw straws. He is an artist. He draws women.
And paints them. With a very large brush.
Oh that is great! I love it.
“…with a very large brush.”
Do they stand or sit while he runs the brush over them?