I am a woefully inconsistent blogger. Sorry. But just so you know, the less frequently I’m blogging, the more writing I’m getting done.

But I’m quite proud of myself for figuring out how to insert that widget to the right.

I attended my first-ever meeting of the local RWA chapter last weekend. My local chapter seems very big and well-organized, and when the published authors left the room for their private pow-wow, about 1/3 of the people got up, which is very cool. At the meeting, I basically learned about 10 more things that I could add to the list of mistakes below. As such, it was a tad depressing. However, that’s entirely my fault for being so clueless to begin with. I keep telling myself that my next novel will be fabulous!

Those of you who are RWA members, what have you found most useful/educational/fun about membership? Local chapters? Conference? Contests? Subgenre-specific divisions? Other?

Advise the newbie.

5 comments to “I can’t blog and write at the same time”

  1. Anonymous
    · December 12th, 2006 at 9:58 am · Link

    Well I’m a newbie to the chapter world too. I only just attended my third meeting but I loved every one of them. GRW hosts 2-3 editors a year and they have all these wonderful workshops.

    Contests, I’ve been told, is invaluable in getting noticed by an editor. Here are a list of contests I was told provide wonderful feedback and would be good to enter:

    Where the Magic Begins
    (A texas chapter contest) she didn’t know the exact name

    You don’t have to have a finished manuscript to enter but it’s always nice if the editor wants to see a full manuscript.


  2. Anonymous
    · December 12th, 2006 at 10:19 am · Link

    Darn it all. I should proof myself before I post. Contests…ARE invaluable…

    Also, we have many published authors in our chapter and they have a wealth of knowledge and information to impart. Advice on contracts, what they know their editors like, stuff like that.

  3. Alice Audrey
    · December 12th, 2006 at 3:02 pm · Link

    The one thing I DON’T get to enjoy about RWA is a local chapter. Montana is a big state with a low population density. To get to a meeting will take at least 4 hours drive at top speeds for a large number of members.

    I’ve done one convention and would like to go again, but again, we are looking at a day’s drive minimum and all attendant expenses.

    Mostly it’s the online community that has been so good for me. That and RWR.


  4. Alice Audrey
    · December 12th, 2006 at 3:03 pm · Link

    Tessa, knowing you have some heavy duty deadlines, I for one will not be put out or abandon you if you don’t post frequently.


  5. lacey kaye
    · December 19th, 2006 at 10:55 am · Link

    I love the people in my chapter. Even when we’re not talking writing, we get along fabulously well. I get more critique help from my friends online who I’ve never met, but for moral support I can’t go wrong with Eastside RWA.