Here comes the Oscar speech….don’t say I didn’t warn you…

I’m so paranoid that I will leave someone out of this post. Please forgive me if it’s you! I didn’t mean to, I swear… I reserve the right to keep adding to the list. I have so many people to thank for helping me with this book. I think the only way to do this is sort of chronologically.

Thank you to:

  • My parents, for always reading to me when I was little, and for listening to my own bizarre stories with a minimum of eye-rolling.
  • My grandparents, for asking for several years now “when I’m going to write my book.” This probably isn’t the book they’d envisioned showing around the church potluck, but I guess we’ll deal with that in 2009.
  • Mr. Dare, for teaching me the meaning of whirlwind romance and happily-ever-after love.
  • The Darelings, for putting up with a highly distracted mother for the past year.
  • Jane Austen, for being my inspiration and for writing the greatest h/h ever!
  • Susan, Pamela, and Barbara, for supporting my dabblings in the realm of Jane Austen fanfic – which could technically be called my first attempts at Regency romance. Special thanks to Susan for her beta-reading prowess and for being such a warm, generous soul.
  • Everyone I met through FanLit (and here there are too many to name!) – for keeping me perky postpartum and inspiring me and giving me the confidence to go forward.
  • All the wonderful groups that grew out of FanLit – FanLit Forever, Romance Vagabonds, the Manuscript Mavens (not exactly a Fanlit spin-off, I know), Passion’s Slaves, etc. – who kept that spirit of community alive.
  • CM and India – Again, words can’t say. I love you both. They’ve read parts of this book at least a dozen times, I’m sure.
  • Lenore and Sara Lindsey – for reading early pages and later chunks and the whole thing once, twice… giving great feedback at every juncture.
  • Lindsey and Maggie – for doing cold reads at the end of draft one – and again at the end of the revision. I remember they each read the whole thing in a day, and that was such a thrill!
  • My good friend Kelly, for all the Starbucks and sympathy, and her DH, Brian, who made my fab website.
  • Michelle Buonfiglio – who read this book and saved me from unfortunate phrases like “stunned O” and “button of desire”.
  • Eloisa James and the Squawk ladies, who offered invaluable advice when I needed it most.
  • The unnamed agent who gave me my first rejection – and the first clue that I might need to put some conflict in the second half of the book.
  • Assorted anonymous contest judges, who underscored that clue many a time. Yes, thanks even the one who called it a TSTL wall-banger.
  • Kalen and Seton, for reading the book and giving it to me straight when I needed the unvarnished truth. But also for encouraging me.
  • To all my CPs again (CM, India, Lindsey, Sara, Lenore), who circled the wagons in May and listened to endless variations on “what if I did this?” – before I started the rewrite. And then read the rewrite. And the revised rewrite.
  • To everyone who made Dallas so much fun (and here I’m sure I’m gonna blow it and leave someone out… *cringe*) – CM, India, Sara, Lacey, Erica, Darcy, Jacqueline, Bev, Cindy, Gladys, Chris, Gillian, Santa, Manda, Elodie, J Perry, Keira, Sara, Jennifer… who’d I forget? Help me out!)
  • Darcy, Lacey, and Elyssa – for bringing fresh eyes to the book this summer
  • All the VaNo Vanettes, for being such a constant source of inspiration.
  • Erica, Jennifer, and Sara D., for lending sympathetic ears this past few months.
  • Helen, my agent – of course. The best!
  • And each and every one of you who visit this blog – whether you comment or not. Knowing you’re watching my progress has been a huge motivator for me all this year.


I love you all!

25 comments to “Thanks a million….”

  1. Gillian Layne
    · October 15th, 2007 at 3:46 am · Link

    It is really great to see hard work pay off, because you obviously put so much time and effort into producing a wonderful book–er, books. 🙂 I’m used to thinking of GOTH, but am really looking forward to hearing about the next two as well.

    Thanks for including us in your journey.

  2. doglady
    · October 15th, 2007 at 6:37 am · Link

    I must concur with my fellow Passion’s Slave. Being able to go along on this journey with you has been invaluable. And apparently it takes a village to write a bestselling romance novel (hey, we KNOW that is what is going to happen, don’t we!!) I too am anxious to hear about the other two books in the trilogy. Gee, I guess now the really hard work begins!! g

  3. Tessa Dare
    · October 15th, 2007 at 8:00 am · Link

    Ooh, let me add Passion’s Slaves up there! Even though I haven’t been lucky enough to actually be in that group, it’s just one more example of folks keeping the spirit alive!

    And LOL – I’m not sure it takes a village for every writer. I may just be me. But I love my village!

  4. irisheyes
    · October 15th, 2007 at 8:21 am · Link

    Congratulations, Tessa! Talk about being the buzz! You have been ALL OVER the blogs this weekend! First time poster, but I had to come by and check out what all the fuss was about and add my two cents. LOL

    I just read your excerpt and loved it! I can’t wait to find out what happens to Jeremy and Lucy (and all the others).

    You go girl!!!

  5. Manda
    · October 15th, 2007 at 8:32 am · Link

    Tessa, I say this in all seriousness–it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Through all of this you’ve behaved with perfect charm and class and you make rooting for you so easy! Biggest congratulations and thanks for the shout out;)

    Can’t WAIT until 2009!!! No matter what the title turns out to be, your book will be at the top of my TBR!

  6. Alice Audrey
    · October 15th, 2007 at 8:40 am · Link

    I hadn’t realized so many people were involved to such a degree. You are indeed blessed with a village.

  7. LdyBlkny
    · October 15th, 2007 at 9:50 am · Link

    Many, many congratulations to you, Tessa! I can think of no one more deserving and can’t wait until I get my hot little hands on your first novel!!!


  8. Erica Ridley
    · October 15th, 2007 at 10:42 am · Link

    Yay! I am still wiggling around in my chair, I’m so excited for you!!! =)

  9. Elyssa Papa
    · October 15th, 2007 at 10:53 am · Link

    Tessa, thanks for letting me read GOTH! I think I kept moaning to Linds about how much I wanted to read GOTH forever and she kept teasing me, telling me how great it was. So, I was thrilled when I got to read it myself!

    Now, about those other two… you know where to find me. *g*

    GOTH is a fantastic story — and everyone is going to see that in 2009 when it releases.

  10. Lindsey
    · October 15th, 2007 at 2:35 pm · Link

    Well, a village or a very supportive internet community. 🙂

    I wish I could take even the teensiest amount of credit for GOTH’s all-around awesomeness, but alas – that’s all you. But I’m always happy to cheer you on.

    And anyway, we should be thanking you – for being such an inspiration and for proving that it can happen. Plus the success of your books will be certain to send publishers clamoring for more hot new talent – and then we’ll all reap the benefits!

  11. Maggie Robinson
    · October 15th, 2007 at 3:43 pm · Link

    Hey, all I did was find two elephants….seriously, what an honor/pleasure/thrill it was to read GOTH in its various incarnations. I can’t wait to hold the real thing in my hands!

  12. Anna Campbell
    · October 15th, 2007 at 3:57 pm · Link

    Tessa, huge congratulations! This is truly AMAZING! Can’t wait to get your books in my hot little hands. You rock! And for historicals, even better! Isn’t it wonderful to see Fanlit is still rolling on its positive way? So many great things came out of Fanlit!

  13. J Perry Stone
    · October 15th, 2007 at 6:32 pm · Link

    Tessa, you’re the most thoughtful person. And what you said about your dh gave me a lump in my throat.

    I’m so happy for you and yours, and I cannot wait to read your PUBLISHED books.

    Have you come down yet?

  14. India Carolina
    · October 15th, 2007 at 8:03 pm · Link

    Tessa, we love you! Seeing this list reminds me how wonderful our little community is, and also how HARD YOU WORKED. Your “overnight” success is the product of an incredible work ethic, devotion to craft, and a HUGE talent.

  15. Anonymous
    · October 15th, 2007 at 9:13 pm · Link


    Wow, wow, wow. Congratulations! I am so very proud of you. I just think it’s great, wonderful, amazing, etc. And I can’t wait to read the first, second, hell, the whole trilogy! Sincerely, all the best. 🙂

    ….Ervin Anderson….

  16. Tessa Dare
    · October 15th, 2007 at 9:26 pm · Link

    Wow! Look at these celebrities on my blog! Anna Campbell!!! Ervin!!!

    Thanks, everyone. This is getting a bit weird thanking you for thanking me for thanking you…

    Okay, time to think of a TMI Tuesday topic and get on with life as usual.

  17. beverley
    · October 16th, 2007 at 8:07 am · Link

    I knew in July it was just a matter of time for you. Are you promising to have ARCs in San Fran? Don’t have people going to expect a signed copy and not having a single one. 2009 is kind of long to wait for the trilogy. But with Ballantine books I bet they’ll do a consecutive monthly release of all three. Oh, how sweet it is, how sweet it must be. Enjoy the journey. You’ll be jaded and cynical by the time the books come out. LOL!!!

  18. Bev
    · October 16th, 2007 at 8:08 am · Link

    Oh course I was just kidding with the last part. You’ll just be under deadline but doing what you love.

  19. lacey kaye
    · October 16th, 2007 at 8:19 am · Link

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeee! This is so exciting!!

    And, like all the others, I am *so* down for reading for you in the future. I LOVED the opening of GOB. It’s what made me jump at the chance to read GOTH — which, in turn, made me green with envy! You deserve the best!

  20. lacey kaye
    · October 16th, 2007 at 8:21 am · Link

    LOL, as the internet page was reloading (nooooooooo! too late to stop it!) I realized that last part made it sound like you deserve the best beta reader and the best beta reader is me. Or am I just critiquing my comment to death?

    Of course, I meant YOU deserve all the great “overnight” success, as it were 🙂

  21. Santa
    · October 16th, 2007 at 9:31 am · Link

    You are so very welcome! And, hey, you now have your acknowledgement page!

    Can’t wait for 2009 and for more fun in San Fran!

  22. Sara Lindsey
    · October 18th, 2007 at 9:01 am · Link

    It has been a magical year – I can’t believe I was only 4 chapters into Promise Me Always when I first sent it to you. You’ve been there for me all the way, and I hope I’ve been there for you and given you even a tenth of the encouragement you’ve given me. Love, love, love! Sara
    P.S. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy I won’t be up against GOTH for GH!

  23. Keira Soleore
    · October 19th, 2007 at 12:24 am · Link

    Tessa, I had to stop by and say this again (and again and again): Congratulations!! It’s an honor knowing you from the start of your journey to stardom. I can’t wait for all your firsts to come–cover, title, ARC…

  24. Tessa Dare
    · October 19th, 2007 at 8:15 am · Link

    Aww, thanks again everybody! Sara, it has been a very ‘magical’ year.

    And Keira – thanks for doing your part to spread my ‘legend’ around the Net! I saw your post on Candice Hern’s board, and it cracked me up.

  25. Michelle Buonfiglio
    · October 19th, 2007 at 5:04 pm · Link

    This is just fabulous news, Tessa! Congratulazione! It was an honor to read GotH, to catch a glimpse of the beginning of what I know will be an impressive career. On behalf of the readers who are going to be thrilled having your novels to enjoy — thank you, thank you.