Since I signed my contract with Ballantine, I’ve been blessed to connect with some other debut authors who’ll be going through the same stress joy in the coming year.

Watch for these names!

Christy Reece sold a romantic suspense trilogy to Ballantine that is currently scheduled to release in Spring 2009. We actually have the same editor! She’s part of the Romance Magicians group blog (which I’ve added to my sidebar links). It’s been a real relief to connect with another debut author going through the same process, only Christy is one step ahead. Which means I get to benefit from all her experience and not ask our editor quite so many stupid questions. *g*

Jennifer Haymore/Dawn Halliday is a fellow SoCal resident and historical romance author who recently landed not one, but two (!!!) NY contracts. As Jennifer Haymore, she has a three-book deal with Grand Central, and under her erotic romance pen name, Dawn Halliday, she has a two-book deal with NAL Heat. This woman is on fire!! In fact, this very day she has a new release with Ellora’s Cave – Sins of the Knight. And I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her in person, and she’s just about the sweetest thing going. Dawn blogs with Passion’s Muses – also added to the sidebar.

The Class of 2009 is looking for more members – speak up, if you’re out there. I’d lay good odds that several of you loyal readers will be joining the class soon.

I’m off for the weekend. Happy Superbowl Sunday! Go Giants!
(I’m not really much of a Giant fan, I just loooove to hate the Pats.)

8 comments to “Class of 2009”

  1. Elyssa Papa
    · February 2nd, 2008 at 12:20 am · Link

    Go Giants indeed!

    But doesn’t Tom Brady look like he should be a Susan Elizabeth Phillips’ hero from one of her football series?

    So the class of 2009 looks like it’s going to be a great one. Tessa, do you know what Ballantine plans for your cover or any plans for PR?

  2. Lenora Bell
    · February 2nd, 2008 at 4:38 pm · Link

    Thanks for the tips, Tessa! Both of these authors sound amazing. I’m going to a super bowl party even though I know absolutely nothing about the American sport known as football. I’m going because of the promise of homemade meatball sandwiches. Have a great weekend!

  3. Dawn Halliday
    · February 2nd, 2008 at 11:37 pm · Link

    I’m so honored to be in the class of 2009! Woo hoo!

    So I want to see more tall ships pictures. 😉

    And you were SO right about the poor Chargers, lol…

  4. Ervin A.
    · February 3rd, 2008 at 2:26 pm · Link

    Well, it’s superbowl sunday and I’m a guy, so I guess that means I’m going to be eating lots of meat, grunting, swilling beer, and reminding my girlfriend not to talk to me. Wait…um, is that Paula Abdul singing and dancing on my television? Wow. I was just listening to Expose’s “Point Of No Return” last night and now this. I really miss the 80’s. Eessh. Anyway, don’t know if I’m going to be joining you in that class of 2009, Tessa, but I’m, you know, working on it. 🙂


  5. terrio
    · February 4th, 2008 at 2:32 pm · Link

    It seems like the class of 2009 sounds so far away but time is flying and the books will be on the shelves before you know it. Yippee!

    Congrats to all the debut authors for next year. And this year for that matter. I sort of didn’t watch the game but I’ll say Hoorah for Eli! He just looks like a little puppy you want to adopt. Seriously, does that boy look innocent or what?!

    And thank you, Ervin, I now have Straight Up going through my head. Must. Get. It. Out.

  6. Tessa Dare
    · February 5th, 2008 at 12:33 am · Link

    YAY! Giants won!

    Ely, Tom Brady is indeed fine. Too bad he is the debbil. He would make a great bad-boy hero, in someone else’s book. 😛

    Lenora, I hope you enjoyed your meatball sandwiches!

    Dawn – Thanks for stopping by! Arg, why is it so hard for me to post pictures?

    Ervin, I hope you had a wonderful Superbowl Sunday with Paula. And I’m certain you’ll be in the class of 2009. Like, the valedictorian.

    Terri, I second your hooray for Eli. I’m a Colts fan, so if Peyton couldn’t win the Superbowl this year, I’m glad his brother did. 🙂

  7. Darcy Burke
    · February 5th, 2008 at 4:14 pm · Link

    Tessa, you’re forever on the Good List. Anyone who loves to hate the Pats can’t be anything else. Sunday was so awesome!!! Go Giants!

  8. Christy Reece
    · February 10th, 2008 at 12:30 pm · Link

    Hey Tessa! Coming in late here. Trying to finish up the third book and got behind in everything!

    Thanks for the link and free promo. I’m thrilled to be in the class of 09 with you and Dawn. What a ride!

    Congrats to both of you. Can’t wait to read your books! 2009 will be here before we know it!